Yards: Coach Yards

Coach yards are rail yards that house passenger trains, whether they be traditional gauge or light rail. These are typically through yards but stub yard configurations exist as well.

Coach yards tend to be very dense, so modeling a coach yard in the BRIO railway system means putting track as close togehter as possible. Make use of O1, P1, F1, G1, and even F2 and G2 if you have them. You’ll also need to make sure that your shortest span is long enough to accommodate your passenger trains. Because of this length requirement, coach yards tend to take up a great deal of space.

This following yard configuration makes use of the Maxim 3″ Mini Straights.

Some coach yards provide more than just coach storage, and include maintenance yards, engine storage and other features. The following coach yard is loosely modeled after a light rail coach yard and maintenance facility in the Portland, OR metropolitan area. A station platform lies along a siding off the main branch, and the coach yard wraps around it. This yard is quite large and includes both the Fix-It Shed and Engine Shed, but is still small enough to fit within the confines of the basic loops and also leave space for additional accessories or sidings.